The test has questions about your interests and your likes and dislikes. First, we shall give you two examples so that you will know exactly what to do. After each question there are three answers. Read the following examples.


1. Would your rather:
(a) visit a zoo; (b) uncertain; (c) go up in an airplane?

2. If you have a quarrel, do you make friends gain quickly? a) yes; (b) in between; (c) no.

As you see from these examples, there are usually no right and wrong answers. Each person is different and has only to say what is true for him. You can always find one answer that suits you a little better than the others, so never leave a question without marking one of the answers.

Inside you will find more questions like the ones above. When you are told to tum the page, begin with
number 1 and go on until you finish all the questions. In answering them, please keep these four points in mind:

  1. Answer the questions frankly and truthfully. There is no advantage in giving the wrong impression.
    Never give an untrue answer about yourself because you think it is the “right thing to say”.
    There are ways of detecting such unfair answers.
  2. Please answer the questions as quickly as you can. Do not spend time puzzling over them.
    Give the first, natural answer as it comes to you. Some questions are a bit similar to others but no two are exactly alike and your answers will often differ in these cases.
  3. Use the middle answer only when it is absolutely impossible to lean toward one or the other of the answer choices. In other words, the “yes” (or “a”) or the “no” (or “c”) answer should be used for most cases.
  4. Do not skip any questions. Occasionally a statement may not seem to apply to you or your interests, but answer every question, somehow.

If there is anything you want to ask about what you have to do, ask now. If there is nothing now, but you meet a word later on you do not understand, stop and ask then.