Test 4E Computation

Do each sum and look for the correct answer among the five possible answers given.



a. What is the next number in this sequence?

1   2   4   7   11  ?

A.  14
B.  15
C.  16
D.  17
E. Another number

b. ▢ + 20 = (21 ÷ 3) + 23
Then ▢ =

A.  11
B.  23
C.  9
D.  20
E.  10


d. It takes a boy 2 hours to ride 30 km on his bicycle. At what speed did he cycle?
A.  30 km per hour
B.  15km perhour
C.  20 km per hour
D.  25 km per hour
E.  5 km per hour

e. The first two pairs of numbers are related in the same way. Determine in what way they are related. Then decide which number should replace the question mark so that the third pair is related in the same way as the first two pairs.

Which number can take the place of the question mark?
(2 : 4) (5 : 10) (7 : ?)

A. 11
B. 9
C. 13
D. 21
E. 14

In this test this kind of question can require addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

  • Do your figuring on the scratch paper provided.
  • Work quickly and accurately.

This test consists of 25 questions. Work as quickly as possible. If you cannot answer a question, go on to the next one.