Test 8 Mechanical Insight

The test consists of a number of drawings and questions about them. Read every question carefully. Study the drawing and choose the correct answer from the five possible answers given.

In some of the drawings the following signs are used:
◯ is a movable pivot around which a wheel or a lever can turn.
⦵ is a fixed pivot around which a wheel or a lever can turn.

Example a

If lever S is pulled in the direction of the arrow, then …

  1. no movement will be possible.
  2. W will move nearer to N.
  3. W will move away from N.
  4. M will move to the left.
  5. angle P will become bigger.

If lever S is pulled in the direction of the arrow, rod W will descend and thus move closer to N. B is therefore the answer.

Example b
Which figure can be built with the two plates above?

One of these plates has four holes and the otherhastwo holes. Only FigureAcan be built with theses two plates. In the other figures the plates have too many or too few holes.

NB: The black dot indicates where the plates are screwed together. Remember to count this dot as a hole as well.

Example c

Pulleys R and S are connected by means of a belt.

In which direction will S turn if R turns in the direction of the arrow?

  1. S will move to and fro
  2. Cannot say
  3. S will stand still
  4. In the opposite direction to R
  5. In the same direction as R
S will turn in the opposite direction to R because the connecting band is crossed.
D is therefore the answer.

Example D:

In which case would it be the easiest to lift the 50 kg object by exerting pressure at P?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Case 1 has the longest lever, therefore it will lift the object the easiest. A is the answer.

Example E

If each of these wheels makes exactly one rotation, which one will have covered the greatest distance?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. All will cover the same distance

The wheel with the largest circumference will cover the greatest distance in one rotation.

The answer is therefore C.